Documents for the Lecture
"Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Reduction"
2017 season !
- (Oct. 6th, 2017)
Use of Simulated Strong Ground Motion Records in Earthquake Engineering
(3.8 MB), Dr. Karimzadeh (METU)
- (Oct. 13th, 2017)
Tsunami Disaster and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
(15 MB), Prof. K. Suzuki (Tokyo Tech)
- (Oct. 20st, 2017)
Liquefaction of Soils during Earthquakes
(5 MB), Prof. Bayat (ITU)
- (Oct. 27th, 2017) Slopeland Engineering (18 MB),
Prof. W.-Y. Hung (NCU)
- (Nov. 3rd, 2017)
Steel Structures
(3.6MB), Prof. H.-L. Hsu (NCU)
- (Nov. 10th, 2017)
Seismic Performance of Masonry Buildings in Turkey
(4 MB), Prof. Erberik (METU)
- (Nov. 17th, 2017)
Remote Sensing Technology for Earthquake and Tsunami Damage Detection
(17 MB),
Prof. Matsuoka (TokyoTech)
- (Nov. 24th, 2017)
Seismic Retrofit of Histrical Building
(10.1 MB), Prof. Ilki (ITU)