Documents for the Lecture
"Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Reduction"

2017 season !

  1. (Oct. 6th, 2017) Use of Simulated Strong Ground Motion Records in Earthquake Engineering Applications (3.8 MB), Dr. Karimzadeh (METU)
  2. (Oct. 13th, 2017) Tsunami Disaster and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (15 MB), Prof. K. Suzuki (Tokyo Tech)
  3. (Oct. 20st, 2017) Liquefaction of Soils during Earthquakes (5 MB), Prof. Bayat (ITU)
  4. (Oct. 27th, 2017) Slopeland Engineering (18 MB), Prof. W.-Y. Hung (NCU)
  5. (Nov. 3rd, 2017) Steel Structures (3.6MB), Prof. H.-L. Hsu (NCU)
  6. (Nov. 10th, 2017) Seismic Performance of Masonry Buildings in Turkey (4 MB), Prof. Erberik (METU)
  7. (Nov. 17th, 2017) Remote Sensing Technology for Earthquake and Tsunami Damage Detection (17 MB), Prof. Matsuoka (TokyoTech)
  8. (Nov. 24th, 2017) Seismic Retrofit of Histrical Building (10.1 MB), Prof. Ilki (ITU)